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Image Dimensions: 1440W x 300H

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NAMIWalks. NAMIGives. NAMICelebrates.
And NAMIUnites, team by amazing team. 

We are taking an important step on the path to hope. We are making a powerful difference. A necessary one. Changing lives. Together, we are NAMIWalks.  
The NAMI New River Valley Super Team for NAMIWalks is nothing less than NAMI's power source - supporting NAMI's free, top-rated programs, as we advance emphatically on "Mental Health for All."
NAMI New River Valley supports NAMIWalks. NAMIWalks supports NAMI. And NAMI supports the community in ways that maybe we can only image and be inspired by: 

Our presence counts. It will make a difference. 


Together, we are NAMIWalks.

Event List Options

Event List Header Text

Event List Show Header?

A value of 0 will hide the widget header.

Event List Limit

Enter a number from 0 to 50. Global setting will be used if left blank.

Event List Start Date Cutoff

Any date in m/d/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy format ex: 1/1/2010, 01/01/2010.
If left blank todays date will be used.

Event List Show Dates?

A value of 0 will hide the event date(s).

Event List Show Location?

A value of 0 will hide the event location.

Event List Show Total Raised?

A value of 0 will hide the event total raised.

Event List Show View More?

A value of 0 will hide the View More link.

Leaderboard Options

Leaderboard Top Fundraisers Limit

Enter a number from 0 to 50. Global setting will be used if left blank.

Leaderboard Top Teams Limit

Enter a number from 0 to 50. Global setting will be used if left blank.