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Walking on the boardwalk is easier than on the sand, just as being mentally healthy is easier than living day-to-day with mental health challenges.  Through our NAMI Coastal Virginia Walk, we want to bring awareness and understanding of people who struggle with some type of mental health condition, and the people who love them.

We welcome anyone who would like to walk, run, or participate by cheering and encouraging others.  You can join as an individual or create your own group, all under the NAMI Coastal Virginia umbrella.  We're hoping, with your help, to keep our designation as the NUMBER 1 FUNDRAISING TEAM IN VIRGINIA again this year!  Although it's fun to have bragging rights, the real purpose of the Walk is to raise awareness and provide financial support for our FREE support groups, FREE adult & youth educational classes, FREE programs and presentations in our service area of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach and the Eastern Shore of VA.

- The event begins at 8:30 am at 2nd Street & Atlantic Avenue at the Virginia Beach oceanfront.

- Those who wish to do the 1-mile walk will have a rousing start at 9 am, with all festivities ending at 11 am.

- The route will include walking in the boardwalk and the sand.

- There will be water available, snack, mental health resources, music, giveaways, and the joy of being together.

NAMI Coastal Virginia supports the community by:
*A friend finding compassion and understanding thanks to a NAMI support group
*A dad finding resources for his daughter through a NAMI education program.
*A young person in need discovering NAMI’s Teen & Young Adult HelpLine.

Together, we are NAMIWalks.  Together we are changing lives.
Mental health
affects everyone.

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